List of cities in Uzbekistan by population

The list consists of the largest cities Uzbekistan Flag of  Uzbekistan. In total, there are 17 cities in Uzbekistan. The largest city is Tashkent with a population of 2 135 700. The total population of Uzbekistan is 34101897 people - 0.44% of the total population of the Earth.

# Name, city Population
1Tashkent2 135 700
2Namangan408 500
3Samarkand361 200
4Andijan352 600
5Nukus258 100
6Bukhara237 800
7Karshi212 200
8Kokand203 500
9Fergana184 500
10Margilan165 100
11Chirchik140 700
12Jizzakh136 500
13Urgench136 300
14Angren129 300
15Navoi122 300
16Termez120 800
17Almalyk116 700

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In total, Uzbekistan has 17 cities with a total population of 34101897 people for 2025.
The largest population in Tashkent is 2 135 700.

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