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List of cities in Niger by population for 2024 | Cities of Niger

List of cities in Niger by population

The list consists of the largest cities Niger Flag of  Niger. In total, there are 25 cities in Niger. The largest city is Niamey with a population of 829 255. The total population of Niger is 22314743 people - 0.29% of the total population of the Earth.

# Name, city Population
1Niamey829 255
2Zinder 202 072
3Maradi 171 603
4Agadez 94 682
5Arlit 92 452
6Tahoua 84 558
7Dosso 53 278
8Birni N Konni 50 813
9Tazawa 38 174
10Gaya 35 973
11Dogondoutchi 33 216
12Diffa 30 525
13Ayorou 27 370
14Madava 26 555
15Mayahi25 589
16Birnie-Maure 25 029
17Tera 22 275
18Mirja 21 721
19Tibiri 21 218
20Tillabéri 21 011
21Magaria 20 455
22Dakoro 20 400
23Ngige 19 036
24Matameye17 587
25Illéla17 281

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In total, Niger has 25 cities with a total population of 22314743 people for 2024.
The largest population in Niamey is 829 255.

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